Friday, December 10, 2010

Chewing Lab 12/10/10 Revised #2 (Right One)

Our hypothesis was that when Sarah and Maria ate sour skittles, we would see a noticeable difference in their mV per second. We also predicted that when they ate chocolate, boklava, and gum their amount of mV per seconds would be very similar. We thought these things because Maria usually eats more sour things, while Sarah prefers sweets. We knew the sweet items wouldn’t cause a great change in mV per second because sweets don’t cause the jaw to clench up as sour or bitter tastes would. Because Maria is used to eating sour food and Sarah is not, we predicted that Sarah’s mV per second jump compared to Maria’s.

  1. Lab Pro
  2. Electro -Tabs
  3. Food Types
    1. Sour Skittles
    2. Baklava
    3. Chocolate
    4. Gum

First we placed the electro tabs on the upper and lower portion jaw and arm. Then we recorded the mV the resting period for five seconds, then the clenching period for five seconds, for a total of 30 seconds. After recording this we, we add food to the process. First we recorded a ten second resting period, then had Sarah and Maria put skittles in their mouth then chewed for 20 seconds. We repeated these steps with chocolate, baklava and gum. We then recorded our data and graphed it.

The results we found after doing out experiment showed when Sarah ate sour skittles, her m/v per second was really high. Yet, when Maria had ate the same skittles, her jaw was normal. We decided that this was due to Maria being so used to eating sour food, where Sarah was not. After Sarah and Maria ate the sweets, we noticed Sarah’s mV per second was a bit lower than Maria’s. We also found that with our last material, gum, Sarah’s and Maria’s mV were very alike, and continual pattern.This was because Sarah and Maria chewed there gum at a consistent pace.

Sarah RestingSarah ClenchingMaria RestingMaria Clenching

SKITTLESSarah RestingSarah ChewingMaria RestingMaria Chewing

CHOCOLATESarah RestingSarah ChewingMaria RestingMaria Chewing

BAKLAVASarah RestingSarah ChewingMaria RestingMaria Chewing

GUMSarah RestingSarah ChewingMaria RestingMaria Chewing

Chewing Lab 12/10/10 Revised

Our hypothesis was that when Sarah and Maria ate sour skittles, we would see a noticeable difference in their mV per second. We also predicted that when they ate chocolate, boklava, and gum their amount of mV per seconds would be very similar. We thought these things because Maria usually eats more sour things, while Sarah prefers sweets. We knew the sweet items wouldn’t cause a great change in mV per second because sweets don’t cause the jaw to clench up as sour or bitter tastes would. Because Maria is used to eating sour food and Sarah is not, we predicted that Sarah’s mV per second jump compared to Maria’s.


1. Lab Pro
2. Electro -Tabs
3. Food Types
1. Sour Skittles
2. Baklava
3. Chocolate
4. Gum

First we placed the electro tabs on the upper and lower portion jaw and arm. Then we recorded the mV the resting period for five seconds, then the clenching period for five seconds, for a total of 30 seconds. After recording this we, we add food to the process. First we recorded a ten second resting period, then had Sarah and Maria put skittles in their mouth then chewed for 20 seconds. We repeated these steps with chocolate, baklava and gum. We then recorded our data and graphed it.

The results we found after doing out experiment showed when Sarah ate sour skittles, her m/v per second was really high. Yet, when Maria had ate the same skittles, her jaw was normal. We decided that this was due to Maria being so used to eating sour food, where Sarah was not. After Sarah and Maria ate the sweets, we noticed Sarah’s mV per second was a bit lower than Maria’s. We also found that with our last material, gum, Sarah’s and Maria’s mV were very alike, and continual pattern.This was because Sarah and Maria chewed there gum at a consistent pace.

Sarah Resting Sarah Clenching Maria Resting Maria Clenching
Min: .9133 .7485 .9328 .9145
Max: 1.132 1.537 1.115 1.147
Difference .2187 .7885 .1822 .2325

SKITTLES Sarah Resting Sarah Chewing Maria Resting Maria Chewing
Min: .6862 .6862 .9084 .7814
Max: 1.465 1.867 1.132 1.391
Diff: .7788 1.1808 .2236 .6096

CHOCOLATE Sarah Resting Sarah Chewing Maria Resting Maria Chewing
Max: 1.216 1.397 1.131 1.477
Min: .8962 .8535 .9267 .8230
Diff: .3198 .5435 .2043 .652

BAKLAVA Sarah Resting Sarah Chewing Maria Resting Maria Chewing
Max: 1.277 1.507 1.205 1.357
Min: .8510 .8230 .9499 .8400
Diff: .426 .684 .1861 .517

GUM Sarah Resting Sarah Chewing Maria Resting Maria Chewing
Max: 1.225 1.234 1.136 1.357
Min: .8400 .8120 .9499 .8400
Diff: .385 .422 .1861 .517

Chewing Lab 12/10/10